Kansas Adult Education Association
The Kansas Adult Education Association’s (KAEA) endeavors of training Adult Educators has helped instructors enhance their knowledge to give students the basic skills they need to successfully carry out their roles as learners, parents, productive citizens, and economically self-sufficient workers in the 21st century.
Our members have access to a variety of resources, including conferences, workshops, and networking opportunities.
KAEA is also involved in advocacy efforts to further fund and expand Adult Basic Education in the state of Kansas.
Our Story
Get to Know Us
Read about the history of KAEA, the governing board, governing bylaws, and stay current on current board meeting via archives of board meeting minutes.
The Early Days
The Kansas Adult Education Association (KAEA) has been in in existence since the mid-1940's. It is recorded in the history of the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association (MVAEA) that Kansas sent representatives to the conference in 1948, at which time the first president of MVAEA was elected: Purdue Graves of Kansas.
KAEA applied for non-profit status within the state of Kansas in February of 1959.
KAEA Non-profit Articles of Incorporation
Our Beginnings
Historical Reflections
​In 1990, Barbara Bush's presence in the White House helped draw attention on a national scale to the need for major literacy efforts, especially in the family. ABE centers began to respond by emphasizing the family unit mare than they had previously. Critical Issues Forums were held at the 1991 fall conference and the 1992 spring conference.
At that time the membership of KAEA brainstormed and prioritized issues facing KAEA. Those identified fell into five categories: legislation, fiscal, curriculum/assessment, public relations, and professionalism. Committees were appointed to research these areas.
KAEA's endeavors of training Adult Educators has helped instructors enhance their knowledge to give students the basic skills they need to successfully carry out their roles as learners, parents, productive citizens, and economically self-sufficient workers in the 21st Century.
Through the Accelerating Opportunities for Kansas initiative that started in 2011, students will continue to have the opportunity to acquire stronger reading, writing, and math skills, as well as enrollment opportunities in career pathways that lead to viable post-secondary education.
KAEA Board Meeting Minutes
The KAEA governing board meets monthly to conduct routine organization business. Copies of the minutes from those meetings are archived for public access.
In addition to the monthly meetings, there is a general meeting of all KAEA members held annually at the KAEA conference, where board positions are filled by majority vote of the eligible voting members.
KAEA History
You can trace the history of KAEA in depth with the original and 2013 update history compilations. Read about the origins, past conferences, past leaders and board members, and more.
KAEA Board
The KAEA governing board is comprised of individuals elected into office by the current KAEA member body during the annual KAEA Board Meeting, held each year during the annual conference. Positions are two year terms.
In the event of a vacancy, the KAEA president has authority to temporarily name individuals for vacant positions, until said position can be voted on at the next annual conference.
2024-2025 KAEA Board Members
2024-2025 Board Members
Leslie Dykstra
Johnson County Community College
Yamir Lozada
NexStep Alliance, Wichita
Area 1 Representative
Donna Munsch
Salina Adult Education Center
Area 4 Representative
LaVaughan Scheurich
Cowley County Community College
COABE State Advocate for Adult Education Fellow
Yamir Lozada
NexStep Alliance, Wichita
Past President
Chris Wheaton
Paola Adult Education Center USD 368
Karen Ulanski-Swank
Paola Adult Education Center USD 368
Area 2 Representative
Beth Dugan
Manhattan Technical College
Area 5 Representative
Vicki Schweinler
Flint Hills Technical College
Technology Chair
Bill Asmussen
Seward County Community College
Vice President
Krista Clay
Neosho Eastern Kansas Adult Education
KBOR Representative ex-officio
Eric Tincher
Kansas Board of Regents
Area 3 Representative
Stephanie Prichard
KCK Comm. College Adult Ed. Center
Mary Johanning
Highland County Community College
Conference Chair
Kami Moore
Cowley County Community College